A Day In The Life

By Irish59


Finally, the sun emerged through the morning fog to brighten our Saturday afternoon. Everything is saturated from yesterday’s rain. High-stepping the grass brought echos of squish-squish-squish and soppy sneakers but neither deterred me from getting a few shots of this meadowhawk perched on a tiger lily stem. Every few seconds he took off to capture and eat unsuspecting prey flying near but always returned ready for the next sortie • I will miss our dragons and hummingbirds when they leave • I think the catbirds departed a couple of weeks ago. I’m sure they’re on their way to Florida to winter at maura’s outdoor resort :)) Their every whim is catered to • I’ve got a summer squash casserole in the oven and some fresh asparagus ready to roast. Yum! • Hope you’re enjoying your weekend too! • Peace & Love

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