
By memento

Fabric heaven

Established in 1966, this 30,000 square foot warehouse is packed with rolls of textiles twenty feet high. They pride themselves on being the most complete fabric wholesaler in the Midwest and claim that if they don't have it, it doesn't exist. None of that matters to these two little blonde tykes, about seven years old, scooting through the isles, playing hide and seek amongst the giant rolls and stacks.

It is a magical place even if you can't get to half the fabrics. After a bit of browsing and pulling bolts out, my claustrophobia usually kicks in, the looming presence of these fabric cliffs start wearing on my nerves and I begin to wonder if the owners have good accident insurance...not that it would matter if I was smooshed underneath two tons of cotton.

I had a good time with my best bud today, looking, admiring...her find of the day was fabric roll slices...continuous strips, perfect for weaving rugs. Isn't that always how it go looking for one thing and find something even cooler!

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