The Parc Slip Memorial.

My regular blippers will know all about this story, of this important memorial held every August 26th.. It's held to remember the 112 men & boys who  died in the mining disaster in 1892. The brick lined entrance  ( which was laid last year) has the names of the  deceased, set at intervals leading up to the stone monument I was looking at my g/grandfather's (see extra) this morning, and I could see a man placing flowers on the stones. He looked at me and said, Do you know Edward Humphries, I said yes, and he said, he was my uncle, so you must be my cousin.  What a coincidence, and even stranger was, he had a photo of my g/father on his phone. We have exchanged email addresses, so  we are going to keep in touch. As you can see by the photo, there was a good turn out  and the rain held off . His name is William Joyce, and he is standing on my left in the photo.

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