Roupell Street

For a couple of years between 2002 and 2004, I had a contract in London, working on Upper Thames Street. In the mornings, I'd take the train up to Waterloo, and walk across to work, stopping at Starbucks by The Globe for coffee and a muffin.

There were some minor variations to my route, but I almost invariably went along Roupell Street. At the near end, there were always two or three old Citroën cars - although not always the same ones - and a little way along was a nice little pub, where I'd occasionally meet friends for a drink on my return journey after work.

I was back down that way, today, as we met up to celebrate my mum's birthday, which is next week. Dan's already in London, of course, and Charlie was down visiting a friend, so it was just Hannah and me on the train down from Manchester this morning.

[Redacted rant about rail fares and privatisation, and the fact that it never comes to any good, and the Tories.]

We had lunch at the Union Jack Club, of which my dad is a member due to his national service. My folks were in good form, as were those of my kids who could make it*. In fact, they were excellent fun.

And afterwards, we walked 'round to Roupell Street, and I was amazed to see that there were still a handful of Citroëns there! (You can just make out the headlamp of one, next to Dan's right shoulder.)

*Abi was working, Milly was moving house back to Leeds, and Izzy, of course, is in Kyiv.

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