
Woke fairly early and made jam from the apricots I’d had steeping in sugar and lemon juice overnight, then tidied a bit and headed over in sunshine to get my nails done for first time in ages. Went for a neutral look for a change.
Came out of there into pouring rain and although I had my umbrella with me I still got a bit damp from all the splashes. Strange feeling of wearing sunglasses as it was really bright but with the umbrella up!
Tried to get V a birthday card as I passed various shops but no luck, then arrived at the New Club a bit early to meet JA. Bumped into DF with HB and had a nice catch up with them before JA arrived. id thought we were meeting for lunch but we ended up just having coffee and chatting about governance stuff, festivals, hungry boys and their friends etc. Enjoyed our chat then had to dash up to the hub for a talk explaining Tannheuser opera that I was going to tonight. Interesting background…
Realised as we left I’d been sitting near AR and we started chatting then carried on over tea and scones. Lots to catch up with her about, including her holiday (and bad fall) in France with NC, Covid for the first time last month, RCS, various festival performances and mutual friends and colleagues,
Left her to dash home to sort out some things for P…apparently although he was due to come out today they’ve delayed it til Tuesday as the carers are short staffed this weekend. Changed the food delivery that was due tomorrow then made some supper but just as I plated up I realised I only had half an hour to both eat it and run over to the Usher Hall for the start of the concert. All a bit of a rush but I did at least do a 14minute mile on the way there which I think is my fastest so far (especially on crowded August streets!)
The tenor Clay Holley in the title role and Emma Bell as Elizabeth were both in the Fidelio I saw here last year, also conducted like tonight by Donald Runnicles, and I particularly like Emma Bell’s voice and performances. A great evening…didn’t notice the 4 hours go by!…and the chorus and orchestra (from Deutsche Oper) gave us such a lush and full sound. Texted T during the intervals as he starts his busy weekend and had a bit of a walk around to stretch my legs, but otherwise I was riveted.
As always lovely to be up close to the singers…and I saw Thomas Lehman (Wolfram) wiping away a tear as he finished his last solo which was full of emotion. Some gorgeous melodies,,,,maybe I do like Wagner after all?!
Walked home….just about the last night of a jam packed bar in Bristo Sq popping late into the night. August is nearly over for another year

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