On the way home

Fiday 25 August was National Poetry Day. A special event was organised by Isthmus Poets, the group which S and five others formed a couple of years ago. They have just published their third collection as a group, and that was launched at the event. 

S curated the work. She had a novel approach to the task. Each of the six provided ten previously unpublished poems of their own choosing. After reading them all, she arranged six poems by each into a number of themes. As she said in briefly telling the audience at the book launch, each of the Isthmus Poets has their own distinctive 'voice', and she was able to organise the poems so the different voices remained individual and 'talking' to the others.

It was an interesting and pleasurable set of readings. After all six had read there was an 'open mic'. A young student recited a poem she had written which impressed the older poets greatly. It seems that like each of the Isthmus Poets, she has had the good fortune to be assisted to develop her voice by Siobhan Harvey.

I was invited along with a few other hangers on, to join the group for dinner afterwards. As we walked from the restaurant to the car park, I saw the Sky Tower, and cannot resist this photo for my blip. It can be seen as embodying aspiration.

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