Life through my eyes

By Amanda_T

I've just eaten 400g of chicken but ...

their lunch looks tasty!

Mr T's level access bi-fold doors were installed today. I had a call last night to say they had all they needed and would I like them done tomorrow. Windowcraft are a local company and have been brilliant. I had signed the contract the week before I lost Mr T, which meant they were still VAT exempt. I could have cancelled but as the doors have integrated Venetian blinds which had already been made had I cancelled I would have had to pay quite a lot of money for nothing so I decided to go ahead once I knew I had the Bereavement Support Payment. I'm really glad I did as they are a huge improvement and look very smart. One of the fitters did the veranda earlier in the year and was pleased to see Mr T on the few times he did get to enjoy it.

It's one of those things where using local maybe costs a bit more but they have been brilliant and handled everything sensitively and personally which you wouldn't likely get with a national firm. 

Beau sitting today and the poor chap is still out of sorts but polished off a whole pack of chicken today! He will be with me again tomorrow, which is fine for now as I enjoy his company.

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