
By JudeL

It's a feature

Forgive the poor quality of the photo but I only had my phone with me and this shot had to be taken right at that very moment, so it was a quick snap.

It shows a crane lowering a ready made chimney pot onto a house being built on the "select location" opposite my local Waitrose.

If you look carefully you will see that there isn't actually a chimney under the pot and at the moment there aren't even many roof trusses in place. Now, I can hear you suggesting that the chimney will be built upwards from the fireplaces to meet the new chimney pot.

Not so, according to the very nice gentleman in my local fireplace shop (I have become very friendly with all the local builders' merchants and suppliers since the work started on number 11), they have been very busy fitting electric fires into the new houses and he hasn't caught sight of anything resembling a chimney breast in any of them.

I've even been onto the website to see if I can spot another use for the pot but apart from decoration I can't come up with any ideas - can you?

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