Woman on a mission!!!

B is on this trip with me, but as I was the person to compile the ‘to do’ list, I was trying to pack as much in as possible.

The first visit was to Lincoln County Hospital to Pathology for a blood test. I’m due a repeat CT scan soon, to check out Big Bertha and the rest of my aorta, so bloods are required beforehand. It was a bit of a palava, as the first lady tried both arms without any success, so another lady had a go and was eventually successful. I’ll have a fine collection of bruises in a couple of days. 

Then into town ….visiting Solicitors, Estate Agents, the Bank and numerous shops.  Then up to the top of the High St to visit the Cheese Shop for my Norwegian brown cheese supply.  This is where I found my blip. We didn’t manage to visit all places on my list, but got about 60% of what I was looking for. 

Over to the house to do a few more jobs and say cheerio to E. It took 2 hrs to get home as the traffic was heavy in sections. 

Walking into our new home with all our ‘stuff’ was heart warming. 

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