New hair style

Our Aztec warrior had problems with his hair falling out so Mrs C carried out restoration work on his scalp and here is his new look. 

A productive day today. I have now finished the first draft of the entire text for my granddaughter’s Xmas book. I printed off a copy to check and it ran to 28 pages. The biggest story yet. Now the painful process of checking the grammar needs to be undertaken. I will need to find an app with English English  and see what automated results are produced. Once the text is completed it needs to be formatted into the book. This is when the cost of printing becomes apparent. My guess at the moment is that there is going to be nearly 80 pages so i will definitely wait until a 60% reduction offer comes up.

The collection of images for the story is going to be a challenge but that is what makes it fun to do. Keep saying this to yourself Chrispy and you might just believe it.

This book forms the second part of a trilogy. Surprisingly I know what I would like to write for the final part which needs to be completed by the end of June next year. But lets not get ahead of ourselves.

It’s UK Bank Holiday weekend and it’s raining - oh dear. My fault I purchased a hose reel holder and hose spray head today which has not helped.

And summer is almost over as I will be watching a live stream of the Belfast Giants v Cardiff Devils Ice Hockey tonight.

Belfast were head and shoulders above every other team in the league last season. Devils have a lot of new players so fingers crossed they can give Belfast a better challenge this year.

Have a good weekend.

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