
Lovely sunny day and I once I was up and had done my weights/resistance exercise I suggested to V that we go for a bike ride. She sent a text back that made me laugh….listing all the other things she was doing today that meant she couldn’t come but ending with ‘and I haven’t got a bike at the moment’ which was kind of crucial information!
Worked on the write up of Monday’s appraisal and fussed around with dates for a potential Barcelona homeswap in December…..the swappers prefer dates that are very tricky for me so I have a lot of juggling to do.
Went down to Cameron Toll for a bit of shopping and tried to sort my low pressure tyre before my various journeys coming up but long story short a broken pump there and then lack of cash change for another place meant I had no luck with it…will have to try again tomorrow.
More phone calls about P who they want to discharge tomorrow….despite his obvious continued confusion, but his infection’s gone. He’ll probably be better in familiar surroundings mind you so hopefully it will all go smoothly.
Out to see Alvin Ailey American Dance Thater…one of the things I was particularly looking forward to. It didn’t disappoint. The first piece included young Scottish dancers given an opportunity to join these amazing dancers on stage for Memoria, celebrating the life and exuberant spirit of a friend of Ailey’s. It was excellent. The next pieces, The River and Revelations, were classic Ailey pieces, each decades old but still very powerful. The music was amazing…a Duke Ellington composed score for the River and gospel songs for Revelations. Fabulous choreography and incredible ensemble timing, with such strength yet fluidity from the dancers. They received a rapturous standing ovation which continued into an encore where the whole sold out hall clapped and cheered along to their Bosom of Abraham last piece. Brilliant! I’d have loved to also see their other programme here but couldn’t fit it in….CR is going to it tomorrow lucky thing.
Home and straight to bed

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