From Day to Day....

By GuernseyGirl

Our Annual Agricultural and Horticultural Show

For many many years Guernsey has held what’s known as the North Show. There’s also a South and a West but the North is the biggest. It’s an agricultural and horticultural show and attracts thousands of people. Cakes, flower arranging, painted pebbles, home grown produce, fur and feather are just some of the classes on display in the big marquees. Floral exhibits large and small are paraded around the show ground decorated with real and paper flowers. Stunt show, food stalls and last but by no means least The Big Band Collective which our son compères and sings in. Here they are in the stage with crowds of folk singing and dancing along to their wide genre of music. They are so talented and entertaining! They played for a couple of hours then there was a firework display! In extras the beautiful round about that was bought over for the occasion.

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