
38.4c was the maximum today. Hopefully the zenith of this fastidious third heatwave of the summer. I separated the borlottis from their plants and then picked apples.

The Boss was in Florence that topped 40c again after yesterday. This level of heat late in August is new.Big drop coming on Monday with 30mm of rain forecast.

For a few days it would be fun, novel , exotic. But day after day it wears away the soul, the will and a sense of agency in the world as one is forced back into cave-like interiorities of a kind of helpless stupor; a dog day repetition of midday slumber; the urge to arise and conquer; to impose oneself marginally on the world when in reality the world beats you back like a malevolent oven.

And we wait for the earth to turn and sink the sun to the horizon and hope for the dusky breath of a cool descending breeze with appetite, thirst and memory gone and just the hope of really, really cold weak white wine and anything salty.

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