
We all need it sometimes.

These Oxalis lobata are pretty tough cookies.  Pretty and tough.  I had left the South African bulbs, bone dry, in trays under the greenhouse bench.  These had decided it was time to grow and just got on with it.   No roots from the bulbs as yet so it was not difficult to move them into fresh compost.  They've been watered now and I expect a lot more growth, leaves included, will soon follow.

Jamie has continued in better form.  The GP rang again as promised and said it can take from two to six weeks for the effects to completely wear off so on today's showing he's doing OK.  Not back to normal yet but confidence and independence are returning.  Phew!  Another call from Ruth's GP in Birmingham explained a change to a different antibiotic as microbiology tests had found one that showed better response to the strain of salmonella that Ruth carries.   It's all a little confusing but the plan for treatment and hopefully recovery does make sense.   

Between sundry calls and messenger chats I did manage a little time in the greenhouse.  Also finished off a batch of photocards for the railway shop where they'd almost sold out. Meg had a short run at the ball field and there's three more jars of bramble jelly made, the result of yesterday's rather damp picking!

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