We Built This City
My Dear Princess and Dear Fellow,
I spent most of today in a workshop with our new vendors. They are Agile and so wanted to explain Agile to us.
I mean. I'm sure we've sat through SO MANY of these sessions in our three careers, but sure. Why not. I get paid anyway.
It was actually quite good fun though. And I didn't mind. In fact, I made a point of being a huge effing swot and answering questions and asking questions and generally being "engaged".
I want them to know I'm effing INVALUABLE. It's all part of my master plan to form a Symon-Sian-Erica triumvirate and take over.
And then the meeting ended with us playing with Lego. We were asked to build a Lego city to illustrate some Agile point of other. But mainly, Lego.
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