Streets of Morestel

This is where we stopped for coffee this morning after another early start on our bike ride. Interesting church and tower too.

88 km today

We set off early and cycled for an hour before breakfast at a bakery. Lovely scenery again along the Via Rhona bike route. Many trees have lost their leaves due to the dry weather and we frequently cycled through crackly leaves like it was autumn. The temperatures were extremely hot again today and we had a brief dip in the river where it wasn’t fast moving. When we arrived at the hotel we were delighted to find that they had a/c. We went straight to the pool. The plan had been to visit Perouges medical village but it was too hot. We had dinner in a local restaurant (excellent French food) then cycled up to the citadel. It looked amazing but it was hard to explore it in the dark so we will have to come back another time.

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