Ludlow Castle

After a slightly earlier, but still relaxed morning we headed in to Ludlow. Our first visit, so we put 4 hours in the car park.

We wandered through the middle of the town admiring all the old buildings. There was a maker's market on, so we had a look at the hand crafted wares, then went to get a coffee.

The castle was on our radar as somewhere to visit. Jon especially likes castles. It was a very reasonable £8 per adult so we went in and then spent a couple of hours looking at the history, imagining how people lived in medieval times, and climbing a lot of very narrow, worn spiral staircases.

The weather was nice, and when we had finished we had another drink and a scone before heading back to the car. We took a different route back to the caravan, but neither was far - perhaps 10 minutes.

We spent the rest of the afternoon reading outside. It was a bit chilly, but bright. Not the searing heat they are getting back home (without fail it is always hot in Norfolk when we go away!) I did a little but of yoga, then cooked dinner.

Now planning tomorrow when we plan to visit Leominster. I've packed my picnic box!

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