Grayson Perry Exhibition
Today I went into Edinburgh to visit a friend but had sufficient time in the morning to take in an exhibition and chose to see the Grayson Perry Retrospective at the Royal Scottish Academy. I always enjoy his lively colour palette and the extensive layers of meaning in his work. His commentary and caricature of the British social scene are always amusing. What I really enjoyed about this exhibition were the large tapestries which allowed one to sit on the central seating banks but still take in the scope and detail of the works. With his pottery work I always feel I would be able to enjoy it so much more if I could take it home and live with it for a while. As with most of his oeuvre the devil is in the detail. I know were are not supposed to feature copyrighted work on blip but somehow I can't see him minding one bit and in any case I have included an onlooker to give the genuine exhibition experience. This is one of his more dreamlike works.
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