The Main Event

And the reason for our trip - the Indigo Girls in concert at the New Century Hall. A sold-out standing gig with some great audience singalong moments to complement the duo's beautiful harmonies - different reasons for goosebumps. A great rendition of Closer To Fine and then they did an encore of my favourite, Chickenman, before finishing with Galileo. I wonder if there were other blippers there too? Earlier in the day L and I wandered around Manchester and visited the National Football Museum. Had to keep reminding myself that that nation was England. Some great bits of memorabilia, including Sniffer's shirt from the 1972 cup final, a replica of which I own and regularly play in on a Monday night (as well as posing in on my tenth Blipday). There lots of interactive displays and a few games to play. L and I even managed to play a game of table football, which I won.

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