It's a Journey....

By LeeAnn

Wheels on the Trail

The Luce Line Trail is a former railroad track and runs right through the middle of our town. We are very fortunate to be able to access this beautiful trail only a few blocks from our home. Some areas are a tunnel through overhanging trees and others are along lakes and wetlands. I had a lovely but quite cool ride this evening.

A word about my wheels. I bought this bike about 10 years ago but I still love it. The young man selling me the bike was telling me about the great shocks under the seat and the handlebars. I asked him if this is what all the old ladies are buying. He quickly answered, "Only the cool old ladies." Sold!

These are a few of the flowers I stopped to snap along my ride. I probably spent more time shooting than biking! The birds were very active and noisy and I also saw chipmunks, ducks, horses, and people riding, walking, running, and in canoes and fishing boats.

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