Yr Wyddfa attempt

Alarm set for 3.50am but, of course, my body clock woke me at 3.15am. Still, it was nice to have time for a relaxing cup of coffee before hitting the road to North Wales. Everything was so well planned and we were ready to hit the mountain by 6.30am for R&J’s first Snowdon Summit attempt. We went up the Pyg track and it wasn’t too bad apart from near constant drizzle. Unfortunately, half way up, we realised that the wind and rain were making things both unsafe and unfun so we decided to get to the Miner’s Track to descend.

Waterproofed from head to toe but wet through to my underwear. I had to abandon the trip to Llanberis because I’d got cold and stupidly not packed a change of clothes.

A day in the mountains is never a bad day though, it was nice to get out there. R&J we’re brilliant considering the conditions, just needed to be regularly topped up with sugar. Maybe next year!

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