Life's tangled skein

By atp

Let's Go Fly...

... and who needs a kite?

This evening didn't go as expected. I took Jenni skating, and dropped her off at the ice rink. The weather was gorgeous, and I wanted to try to get a nice HDR shot, preferaby with some water involved. SO I went to Menstrie Glen, and followed the path through Menstrie Woods.

I would have to say that it is possibly the steepest public footpth I have ever come across!

Nowhere near the river, I found myself going up Dumyat at a remarkable rate. Given that I was on my own, in t-shirt and shorts and without any sensible hillwalking gear, this may not have been the wisest of moves - but the weather was gorgeous, and I kept expecting the trail to turn back on itself and act like a circular route! It never did...

Anyway, on the way back down I spotted this fellow.

Wouldn't this be such fun?

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