Life on the Good Intent

By ClydeBorn

Ochil Sunset

Drove over the Forth Road Bridge into Fife to deliver my nephew's birthday card after work tonight. After a tasty plate of pasta, conversation turned to cameras and my brother showed me some of his recent portraits - some excellent studies of subjects old and young!
I took some pictures of my niece and her boyfriend but hand held at low iso they are not sharp enough to blip, shame as they are a lovely couple, another time. Knowing most of us have Work in the morning, and needing a blip I headed home as the sun was setting and the light was developing into a golden glow.
I headed down a narrow road near the Kincardine Bridge, over an old stone bridge, I stopped and went back as the although the tide was out, there was enough water to reflect the sunset. Unfortunately there is a great pylon right beside it, so the composition was all wrong.
I went further and stopped by a ruined barn, the air was quite ripe with farming smells. I realised why as I went round the other side to get this photo - probably the biggest muck heap I have ever seen! A few quick shots only as the midges were feasting on me. Driving back to the main road I realised how lucky I had been not meet any other cars - no passing places and a long way to reverse. Next time I will walk and remember my midgie repellent.

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