All about Lallybroch

By Lallybroch

Cousins in crime

Busy, busy day today and in the heat too - SUMMER is here at last!

Playdate at Almondvale Heritage Centre this morning with Lesley and Logan & Sandra and Adam. The 3 boys had a blast charging around the place with us mums trailing behind. Ethan and I stayed longer than the others as the other 2 boys had nursery this afternoon, so we ended up having lunch in the cafe there.

Then off to The Centre to pay the balance of our holiday and look for new sunglasses as mine have mysteriously broken.

Back home and the Forerveryoungs were back from their holidays and sunbathing in our garden! Ethan and Eden were delighed to see each other ... for all of 5 minutes haha! They did have great fun playing in the paddling pool and on the slide though.

Impromptu BBQ this evening. So nice eating outdoors in glorious sunshine. Granny and Grandpa arrived at the tail end and finished off the remaining sausages!

I then went out for a run - struggled tonight though. Think I'd been on the go so much today that I was already tired and the warm evening didn't help. Still managed to complete day 3 of week 2 though so am glad I made the effort

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