Today we got up at 4.30am to be in time for the sunrise at the beach. It was so beautiful. The tide wasn't quite right for much of a ride up the beach but it was just special being there. So calm and still. I love this photo that Lara took as we accidently drew half a heart in hoof prints as we walked down to the water! 

Buddy had a bit more turn out time and breakfast when we got back then my first session was show jumping. Buddy was a little tired so I had to gee him up a bit. He tried his best for me and did what he needed to do but wasn't our greatest ever jumping lesson! The coach was brilliant. Biggest thing I took away was to be a quieter rider on my approach.

After lunch, Vic (the organiser) did a presentation then I had a rider pilates session, which was good. I travelled over with Lara and her lessons didn't finish till 4 so had a bit of hanging about to do before we set out home. 

Got back home about 8pm, pleased to see my little family but also sad that my Wimpy Weekender is over for another year. Need to start saving for the next one. 

Buddy has been absolutely awesome this weekend. I'm so lucky to have him. He'll have a nice couple of days off now to chill in the field with his mates. 

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