River of Flowers

By doffy

Monday: 3 New Herbs …

... 2 types of Thyme, and a Golden Marjoram reduced to £1.26 from £5, bargains! The thyme I’d started from seed got munched, may regrow but these beautiful specimens at £3 each were irresistible :-) When the wind calms down, blowing a gale at the moment, my plan is to repot all of these in terracotta pots with lots of gravel and keep fingers crossed for late flowers for the pollinators - they love herb flowers!

I’d driven to Pringles late morning, their car park was in chaos so I did a quick retreat and went to Co-op down the road. At the Co-op checkout the customer behind me in the queue suddenly said “Were you at Amlwch School” … her voice was so familiar … “Denise?” … “YES !!!” We had been friends, she had married my school friend, later to be colleague and car share pal - sadly he died quite a while ago :-( You can imagine we had quite a conversation :-)))

Down the road to the garden centre … bought herbs …

Top-up shop at Lidl, so as to avoid shopping over Bank Holiday weekend.

Nos da pawb / goodnight all xx

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