Almost A Shot At Pimm's Pawfection

I began today with another early run before breakfast with my brother which started quite a bit slower than usual as he has a bit of a bad back so it took a while to ease off, or 'unfurl' as he calls it, but he was soon back into his stride and we both thoroughly enjoyed our pre-morgenmete (I just felt like throwing in the Old English word for breakfast!) trot.
We had then intended to go for a long walk, with the possibility of a hostelry based pit stop along the way, but within less than a couple of minutes of leaving the house our wonderful summer weather intervened yet again and it started raining quite heavily. So what to do I hear you ask? Well, our local just happened to already be open (our second visit on consecutive days) so we settled on the hostelry based pit stop without the long walk!
Today's shot was taken just as one of the few glimpses of the sun between the showers appeared whilst we were supping our pints. It's a view taken on the pub's terrace (thankfully covered to keep out the rain). Our local (The Chequers) is very dog friendly with plenty of water, doggie treats and dog bowls available with a sign confirming our canine friends can even indulge in an ice cream (made with banana and peanut butter apparently) if they so wish. I'm not entirely sure if the large Pimm's cushions are for the benefit of the human customers or the dogs! I was hoping for a hostelry hound to stray into view at just the right moment - which would almost have been a shot at pawfection (sorry!) - but unfortunately none arrived until we'd already got up to leave.

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