and through the wire...

By hesscat

Oi! Get Off My View!

After our night out last night, today we had to walk down to get the car at the station, easier said than done. First we watched the World Cup Final with breakfast at half time. We enjoyed the game. Then off to begin our walk, avoiding roads where we could. I've walked back before, so had an idea which route to take., or more important which not to.

We stopped here on our miner's rest section for a bag of crisps and a rest while enjoying the view. When we sat down the combine was crossing the bottom of the field and we were all set for it to return in the opposite direction and tkae my blip, but no, it was coming up the hill, is it a monster? Ok, photobomb us then! It carried on for about 10m out of view then stopped. One of the tractor/trailers drove up and positioned itself to receive the goods and off they went, for 30m then stopped again. It all went quiet so we continued our journey. 5.1 miles tooks us 3 hours and it was a nice day for it.

On driving home we met the farmer who had been driving the tractor with a big manual heading for his house... the chain had come off and had no-one to phone on a Sunday so was off to work out how to fix it :-0

Back home and decided had not walked far enough so cut the lawns. Looking forward to putting my feet up at work tomorrow!

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