More Exploration of Revelation

My husband and I thought that it would be best if I did not attend the service in person just two days after my hip fracture repair surgery, so I am particularly grateful for the live-stream and technology that works today.  We began our service with congregational worship as we usually do.  After the welcome from Pastor Wes, the choir(minus my husband and me) and orchestra along with all our dedicated accompanists presented a heartfelt rendition of "We Will Remember".  The corporate worship and praise continued after which Pastor Wes took us back into the book of Revelation, Chapter 1, verses 9-17.  and the first thing he asked us was"Who is Jesus?" and what do we think of Him on our best days and our worst days because that will directly dictate what kind of lives we live.  It was true for John, when Jesus first called him to follow Him as a young person; it was true when John saw all that happened to Jesus during His ministry culminating in His death, burial , resurrection and ascension and it was still true for John as he endured exile to Patmos for preaching the message of Christ at the end of his life.  It was no vacation spot as Pastor Wes described it in the live-stream, but John continued worshiping and seeking the Lord  and God speaks to him there in the midst of that difficult place.  Pastor Wes warned us that living a life of service to Jesus will lead us into a familial relationship with other believers that will have its ups and downs-----what we experience we experience together, good and bad.  We are called to live in a world that is constantly trying to pull us away from the things we know are right to do to bring people   to the knowledge of their need for a personal relationship with Jesus Christ.  Pastor Wes had much more to say on the subject in the live-stream, which would give you a better picture of the life that we are called to than I can here and it will help you to persevere during the difficult times......... 

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