Lingy Hut

Not a walk I’ll repeat. 
Some emails this morning and then into town. I thought it would be nice to see the heather before it goes over. The road up from Mosedale is in a very poor state. It was a slog up Grains Gill with my hip and knees complaining but interesting to see the old tungsten mine (hard to believe it only stopped operating in the 1980’s).  A Wheatear kept swooping and flitting ahead. Flushed a red grouse and couldn’t work out a small bird flittering about…might have been a meadow pipit having listened to a recording of the call. Eyebright, tormentil, sundew, milkwort, scabious. The heather though was going over and rather dull. Occasional marsh Ling dotted the way ahead, roughly spaced a yard apart, living up to the origin of the term marshlling yard. I finally crawled my way up to Lingy Hut walked along the ridge for a bit and then headed back down again.
Home and cut the front lawn and my hair before cooking dinner. 

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