Perseverance is the Name of the Game

Perseverance wins out in the end. Having been denied my ice cream yesterday, I made another foray today and there was the ice cream van in situ. I had set my goal on a single nougat ice cream (also known in my youth by another name which can’t be repeated being non pc now) but had to opt instead for a single cone with a flake as they didn’t do wafers or ‘sliders’ as I knew them.

At least I can delete the longing for an ice cream off my wish list especially as it set me back £3 which I consider exorbitant. There was a time, certainly nearly 40 years ago, when an ice cream in London cost 50p and I was shocked.

I don’t suppose it’s a good look for a lady of a certain vintage to lick an ice cream when on the hoof, but initially all the seats outside the tennis courts were taken. I shared one eventually to spare any onlookers an unladylike sight of eating in public. Certain Blippers might share my unease and understand- namely Tweedy and Limoniad to name but two.

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