Cat week at Lidl

Today started with a quick visit to MIL house with OH to see what furniture needed to be moved/disposed of before the arrival of hospital bed which will allow her discharge from hospital.  We had contacted BHF and used FB Market place but it seems her sofa and china cabinet were not really the sort of furniture that would sell (whoever knew?!) so OH has contacted a house clearance company who will hopefully come early next week (for a charge).  We will be tactful with her and say it went to charity.

I went food shopping while OH continued sorting and taking stuff to the charity shop.  BIG shop in lidly didly then on to Tesco to get other bits.  I spotted this cat food, much cheaper than No.2 pays in his local shop shop so bought a big box for Malcolm.

Home for brunch and OH went off to football (they lost) and S came round for a cup of tea and pastel de nada (from Lidl, delicious if you haven't tried them).  We chatted in the sun and she bought be a lovely thoughtful gift.

Steaks on the bbq for dinner and an episode of Lincoln Lawyer, then a few chapters of my book.

No.1 spent a lovely day in Whitstable with JC and enjoyed the sunshine and the beach.

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