
By Helwild

Eye Medication

Wow! I can see! Well, I can but so can my other half. He's had laser eye surgery and it's been a eureka moment for him.

It all started last December and two treatments later it's perfect. No more contact lenses, solutions, cleaning or glasses. He's had problems since he was about 10 years old, and has wanted to have it done for some time.

So we went for my walk after work and it was like taking a child to a sweet shop, he was looking at everything and has become obsessed with car number plates - just because he can see them sharply from a distance now.

We've been for a curry to celebrate at our favourite local curry house and now he's enjoying a glass of whisky!!

All we've got to do now is lots of different eye drops for a few weeks and he has to wear the eye patch overnight. It makes him look like a bug!!

But I'm so pleased for him.

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