northumbrian : light

By RobinDown

The final stage ...

... Len and the bikes at Northampton Saints where we met James Grayson and Fin Smith. Len's social media report sums up the day:
16 professional rugby clubs visited in six days, from Glasgow to Exeter, over 1400 miles ridden (and we're not even home yet!), lots of fabulous people met and some new friends  to boot. Thank you each and every one of you for the fabulous hospitality and the warm welcomes. You've been brilliant!
We've arrived in Yorkshire for our last night exhausted. Our bodies broken but our spirits high. It's been a wonderful tour and, if I could, I'd sleep for days! I honestly don't know how I managed the last 50 miles tonight. We're so tired!
We have raised about 3/4 of our targets as I write. It would be fabulous to get the rest so, please, if you haven't already, could you chip in a few quid and get your mates/family to do the same? Motor Neuron Disease is horrible and there's is no cure yet. Doddies Foundation are doing all they can to fund the research and we want to do our bit. Just go here to make a donation:

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