Onwards and upwards....

By Yana1

3156. Beauty and the Beast Treasure Hunt!

We joined my step daughters, my grandson and my youngest for a treasure hunt which was done through an online app this morning.  We stopped for coffee and lunch in between but the whole game took 5 and a half hours to complete!  We did finally manage to complete it after a bit of hassle right at the end and it was quite fun…I did around 400% of my activity goal today and about 20,000 steps!  

The game involved walking to different points in the town and then talking to the virtual characters to get further clues.  We did see a few people doing it this afternoon but none in the morning.  We didn't dress up (some people do) but my stepdaughter, my grandson and I all had Beauty and the Beast T-Shirts on.  My T-Shirt was bought in New York after we went to see Beauty and the Beast on Broadway in 2007!

I’m glad to be home now and having a well earned rest as I left the house at 8:30am and didn't get home until 3:00pm!

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