
By H22

Place: Greenville, SC 65/89
Main activity: Fri - around the house
Notes: Slept till about 7a and then up and around the house. Had coffee and worked on the puzzle - was able to finish it! Kathy up late, hadn't slept well and then went back to sleep. More low key day, and we sat out back for a bit in the afternoon - was nice enough in the shade. Kathy had PT stretching, exercises and the inversion table then while I prepped more kale salad, chunks of cauliflower to be roasted and more of the meatloaf. We had mid-afternoon meal and relaxed. Have a little weird feelings if the topic about moving here comes up ... I think it will have to be more organic and see where I'm led as the "figuring out" of it isn't really doing much for me. Kathy much more mobile and less pain today - great to see. She walked down to the end of the L cul-de-sac and visited with neighbors for awhile and then was in my room and the office as we went over things. I jumped on around 830p for a short Zoom with Jo. 

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