Water Baby

Had quite a disturbed night with Bubba.... and the cats! Then up at 6am!! Crikey I'm too old for this!!!

Not really!

MrW collected us after 9 and took us for a little trip to the garden centre for an early morning outing as I'm without the car for the day once he heads off to Lady Lindas. Bubba loves water. Playing in the water features is his favourite part time!! He chose his favourite blueberry muffin in the cafe and sat looking warily at Mr W. Hes a bit scared of him!!

Then it was back home for play dough, sleep, lunch,  walkies in the trike (caught him singing "I love my GaGa" .... melty heart moment!) We collected leaves and watched some golfers like his daddy.

In the afternoon we did paddling pool time as the sun finally came out and lots more Blippi before he polished off a fish pie for dinner.  

He settled well at bedtime and I wasn't long after him but 1st had a date with a bar of chocolate with my name on it!!

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