Mae pob plentyn yn artistiaid

Mae pob plentyn yn artistiaid ~ All children are artists

“All children are artists. The problem is how to remain an artist once he grows up.”
― Pablo Picasso

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Celf yw sut rydych chi'n gweld y byd, ac mae golygfa plentyn yn ffres ac archwiliadol. Mae'r broblem gydag oedolion yn gadw'r olygfa fel plentyn (neu'n ffeindio hi eto pan ddych chi'n henach).

Roeddwn i'n hapus i weld yr arddangos hon mewn ffenestr o gymdeithas adeiladu yn y Rhath. Maen nhw'n annog plant i archwilio'r eu byd eu byd trwy eu celf. Da iawn iddyn nhw.

Roeddwn i yn y Rhath i gasglu papurau o'r cyfreithwyr. Maen nhw wedi gorffen eu gwaith yn delio gyda hen hen bolisi yswiriant bywyd o fy nhad. Y peth mwyaf eironig oedd bod gwerth y polisi yn llai na ffioedd y cyfreithwyr. Dyna fywyd (a chyfreithwyr).

Treuliais i'r gweddill y prynhawn ar waith rhyfedd arall. Rydw i'n rhoi matiau stabl yn y garej. Y syniad yw bydd e'n gynhesach ac yn hawddach i gadw glân. Mae'r matiau'n ddu ac mae'r garej yn dechrau gweld fel 'cell padio'...

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Art is how you see the world, and a child's view is fresh and exploratory. The problem with adults is keeping the view as a child (or finding it again when you're older).

I was happy to see this display in a building society window in Roath. They are encouraging children to explore their world through their art. Well done to them.

I was in Roath to collect papers from the solicitors. They have finished their work dealing with an old life insurance policy of my father. The most ironic thing was that the value of the policy was less than the solicitors' fees. That's life (and solicitors).

I spent the rest of the afternoon on another odd job. I'm putting stable mats in the garage. The idea is that it will be warmer and easier to keep clean. The mats are black and the garage is starting to look like a 'padded cell'...

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Disgrifiad (Cymraeg): Gwaith celf plant mewn ffenest cymdeithas adeiladu
Description (English): Children's artwork in a building society window

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