Flower garden

Despite the day starting with a lot of rain it stopped eventually and I was able to get out and pick flowers for the house.  Even though it’s a bit ramshackle I love having a cutting bed providing guilt free picking.  Some of the dahlias in my main bed are a bit buried under cosmos and rudbeckia which have taken off big time.  But oh for some sun to bring all the flowers out. 

Worked all morning on a cut and then took the afternoon off to do some food shopping and chores in the local town.  

The evening was calm and it was lovely to see a lot of swallows and martins around, their numbers increased by the fledglings on the wing now. 

Hannah finally arrived at about 1130, her flight from NY delayed. Woody ecstatic to see her.  We sat up whilst she had something to eat and then gave her some melatonin and left her to it. 

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