Common Enchantments

By MaryElizaR

At home

Between the lines on my clothes line.   I had washed the bedding and wanted to hang it outside for the fresh air (and the heat dried the sheets in 30 minutes!!)   This creature was on the right side with her web stretched from the lines and the end pole.   Knowing I wanted to get a photo I managed to hang the sheets on the other end and the middle of the lines so that I did not disturb its home.

She never even said thank you!

While hanging the sheets I noticed a big hickory nut inside the opening of the wren/sparrow bird house that hangs on the pole on the left end.  Some squirrel managed to squeeze that nut inside for later.  Since there won't be any more baby birds this year I left it.  You never know how hard the winter might be and one of those pesky squirrels might need the food.  

Did make a trip to the doc this morning for the sinus infection.   She wanted to do a covid test since there is a new strain around the area.  No covid which I knew as I have had this sinus stuff all my life but not frequently.    Steroid nose spray and an antibiotic.  If it is viral infection, the antibiotic won't do much good but she said it might help loosen the fluid in my ears that has affected my hearing.  It is no fun feeling like you are hearing everything in a tunnel.    Even with hearing aids, which are pretty useless right now.  Hoping by Sunday I will feel back to normal.  I am hardly ever sick with this kind of stuff so I don't have the patience for it!

So many super tiny twosomes for this week's Tiny Tuesday.  As a nature lover all the little seed pods and dried seed heads really got hearts but I had to choose!!   Then the blippers that thought outside the box!   They really appealed to me also.   Trying to decide is always so hard.   But, this weeks hearts go to...

Technophobe    a great macro of twin fly eyes

Beewatcher   two bees on the butterfly bush

Maureen6002    two tiny purple flowers full of raindrops

Shutterup    Tiny allium seeds 

Pinkhairedlady   a pair of tiny gold perfume bottles 

Thanks to all you participated.  Everyone deserved hearts!!!  

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