...but I’m very grateful that the balloon in with these beautiful flowers I received today made me smile. However, as I said when I messaged the sender, as well as smiling, the balloon could have said “Congratulations on the Birth of your Baby” or even worse “Sorry for your loss”, when of course, then I wouldn’t have been so grateful.

Perhaps we all need to be grateful for what we have even if it’s not quite as we want it! Watching the News last night, I daresay those living in places in the world where wild fires are raging, would be grateful to see rain.

Today, I don’t feel that good but hopefully tomorrow will be better. However, I’m still grateful to my physiotherapist, who sent me to the hospital a few weeks ago, the friend who recommended her Consultant Spinal Surgeon and the man himself, who did as he promised.

Sitting here, now the sun has appeared, and looking out onto our garden, I’m grateful for all Mr HCB has done - and hope I will be helping him, if not this year, then next!

Although today I have an “attitude of gratitude” I’m aware that some are going through much worse than I am and my thoughts go out to them.

Time for more medication - something else I’m grateful for!

Thank you, too, for all your kind and generous comments, stars and hearts!

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