
By Annieone

Tomatoe Flower....!!??

These are some of the Cherry Tomatoes that I’m growing outside....and I wish I could describe the taste of them to you...
I was told that they would taste better than any grown in a glass house and oh that is so true...
I’ve picked these this morning as they are fully ripe and we are now under a Storm Betty rain and wind warning...!
Heaven knows what state the garden could be in by morning...:)
I made a tomato flower with 3 Bay leaves...
I’m drying them out a little to add to my 3 jars of flour as I saw a ‘hack’ yesterday that advised to do this to keep the ‘flour bugs’ away...I don’t always use up my flour quickly so I’m hoping this will work...!!
It also said to add a Marshmallow to sugar jars to stop the sugar hardening ....I forgot to buy the marshmallows..
Wonder would that work...?? Would be super if it did...!!!
Extra ...Mel enjoying every last minute outside before the rain starts...!!

18th August....quote...

Do What You Know Is The Right Thing....!!

Friday again....
Happy Weekend to all....A xxx

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