Nicole's odd life

By oddlife

Happy child!

:) he has been in a wonderful mood today :) even now, he's just about ready for bed and he only slept for 20 mins this afternoon.

Mark took Matty for lunch with some friends and I am told he was pretty much as good as gold. Grinning at everyone :) no stranger anxiety....yet! It was nice cause I got to do some bits that I have wanted to, like order photos of Matthew! We have none! V.bad!

When the boys got home, we went for a walk at Devilla Forest. The red squirrel trail, where the only red squirrels we found were wooden ones nailed to trees. Nice walk though.

Very quick splash in a very cold paddling pool (and the only bit of grumpy upset Matty for the day) and then dinner etc etc.

He is so cute today. I could just eat him. Nom nom nooooom!

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