
Amazingly, it’s the first time this year that I’ve actually watched the sun sink below the horizon in the northern hemisphere. Even in New Zealand, sunsets were few and far between, so this is my first sunset since Cape Foulwind in January. 

All too often, the promise of a sunset has ended in disappointment as heavy banks of cloud have eaten up any chance of spectacle when we’ve headed for West Shore full of expectation. And so tonight I almost expect the same. 

Yet on the beach the horizon’s still clear - too clear perhaps, the sky lacking the ingredients for a truly spectacular sunset. And the tide’s midpoint, standing water offering reflections, wind dropped down to almost stillness. 

Stick in hand, I manage to walk down - slowly - close to the water’s edge and spend a glorious time just photographing the changing light as the sun sinks and the sky turns from golden to red to pink. 

The beach is quiet, the family groups remaining clinging closer to the dunes as they enjoy the last moments of the day, few venturing further down onto the wet sand, but one man stands alone, staring out towards the Carneddau, his meditation perfectly silhouetted against the setting sun for several minutes until he steps out of the frame, continuing his meditations as he walks along the beach. 

A few clouds string themselves across the sky just before it sinks, adding drama and colour, and the different textures of the sea create the most amazing abstract patterns. 

Then, predictably, it slips away.  There are insufficient clouds to carry the light into the sky, so the afterglow is soft,  subtle and short. Just enough to shade the sky in pinks as a heron flies across and over to the distinct rock formation at the far end of the beach. 

By now G’s joined me, and we watch the final moments as the day’s warmth disappears with a speed reminding us that summer’s slippping towards autumn. He takes my camera bag and we slowiy head up to back to the welcome warmth of the car. 

Of course, there has to be a sunset set, and for my main I’m torn between my meditative star-man and the full blown drama of the setting sun across the water - the latter obviously far more suited to today’s Wide Wednesday theme. But for now, I’m going with the former - and yes, I may well change! 

Many thanks for all your kind wishes on yesterday’s good news - I’m sorry I’m behind again with comments. 

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