Calgary Beach, Mull
One I put together yesterday from images I took in Mull a year ago. I've been going through my Mull images again because I felt I didn't really give them the time they deserved when I got back (too many other photo trips in the pipeline). So made on the 16th Aug but taken on 28/04/22. I've been looking at a number of the images that I've shared on instagram recently and I feel a book devoted to grey tones might be emerging - I've just got to do now!
After feeling so good the evening before last and managing an hours gardening after I'd had something to eat, I crashed last night. I'd done an hours weeding etc as I was putting the green bins out and then when I came inside I felt too tired to sort my evening meal properly - so I didn't eat bread but didn't eat well.
The positive thing was I decided to read the chapter by Karine Polwart `Find the Ground' in the collection `Antler's of Water', which is about Fair Isle and music, and loss and the creating of an environmental protection area around the island and there is also a video to accompany it that I found on Folk Radio UK, which is beautifully done.
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