By lizzie_birkett

No further!

I took Bella walkies up the lane the lane this morning.
She is getting very lazy in her middle age!
I was walking ahead and turned round to check she was following me - no she wasn’t - she was just standing and made it plain she wasn’t going any further. 
I asked her what was wrong and she turned and started making her way home. She can be a madam sometimes!
She has been sad today as this morning Frank left to head up to Moniaive on his way to Belfast on the ferry tomorrow. He is staying at Anna’s for one night and driving to Stranraer tomorrow to stay at Sam and Siobhan’s till Sunday.
I have had a day just pottering about and learning my choir words and tune. I was absent last Friday so I need to catch up.
I made myself a yummy smoothie today on the advice of Marc and Melanie who both have one each day.
I used apple juice, carrot, spinach and beetroot - I was a bit dubious before I tasted it but it was delicious and apparently very nutritious especially if you’re not so well.

It’s my book and bedtime now so Goodnight!
Thanks for all the comments, stars and hearts yesterday ;-)X

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