Bald Eagle

By JohnJD

One Street - Bob

This morning I cycled to the Brindley theatre in Runcorn to see Nick Danziger's exhibition Revisited. If you have the opportunity it is well worth going to see.

The Brindley theatre sits next to towpath and is named after the engineer, James Brindley, who was engaged by the Duke of Bridgewater to help build the canal.

Brindley was responsible for building the extention of the canal from Preston Brook to Runcorn where it joined the Mersey by a series of 10 locks.

The extension project was delayed for seven years because of objections by Sir Richard Brooke of Norton Priory. He insisted that the proposed course of the canal be altered so that it could not be seen from his house. Other, quite petty, conditions were also attached before permission to proceed was given. These included; the towpath moving to the other side of the canal at the point where it passed Norton Priory land, a Haha ditch rather than a hedge running alongside the towpath, and railings rather than bricks on the Norton bridge.

An early case of nimbyism. Brookes had a very large back yard.

Further along on my way home I caught up with Derek from Sunday's blip who was sailing along in the same direction. He pulled over and asked for me for the Blip web address. When I told him that his portrait had now had over 250 views and over 40 stars his smile widened even further.

Today I asked four people if I could take their photograph and all four agreed, including Bob who you see here. I caught up with Bob who was sitting on a bench enjoying his lunch. A Dubliner who has lived in Manchester for over 50 years he had got a train and a bus from Manchester to Preston Brook and was walking to Runcorn before going back home. He and his wife, who had sadly died, had been keen ramblers all their married life.

A Celtic Blessing for Bob as he continues on his walks:

May the road rise up to meet you.
May the wind be always at your back.
May the sun shine warm upon your face;
the rains fall soft upon your fields and until we meet again,
may God hold you in the palm of His hand.

Some more images from today.

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