Another fine day. Ann was out this morning and I attempted to renew two insurance policies. Both policies are with the same supplier and I have an account enabling full Internet access. Why then did I have to end up spending too much time listening to tinny "music" so I could talk to someone regarding renewing my insurance policies? I wish companies would check their web sites before releasing them to the public. Trying to change my credit card details resulted in half a page of HTML code, as for the button labebeled 'Renew' this resulted in a "Just a Moment" image that stuck there for ever. Acceptable issues with an amateur Web site maybe, but not with a countrywide well known company!
After lunch we popped out to Top Barn for a coffee. Whilst there I wandered over to where the wildflowers grow. Most are dying off now but I managed one or two shots.
Thanks to Miranda1008 for hosting Wildflower Week.
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