
Rich men with egos can do whatever they want, within the law, with the companies they buy. Our opinions on how Elon spends his money simply don’t matter. Over the last weeks, since Twitter’s name change, quite a lot has been written about the brand.  This morning, however, I saw this sign on the bridge at Twickenham and wonder what words will replace ‘tweeting’?  It’s become a word that even those not on Twitter understand. I was a reasonably early adopter of Twitter. My first ‘tweet’ was March 2007. Since then, ‘tweeting’ has become part of every day usage. I wonder what we’ll be using in another 16 years?

Only 7 people got off the train this morning. But, again, due to industrial action it was not the usual train. 

We were in the office again today but we agreed that we won’t be doing it again for a few weeks as there are a number of people on holiday.  Lunch was a sandwich from Wenzels. I try to convince myself that I will go for a healthy option then end up walking away with one of the mayonnaise rich baguettes. Delicious though.  A minor detour to the Pets At Home in the shopping centre to buy some bird seed.  Some of the staff in the building had notice some chicks had fallen from a tree and nobody could see where the nest was. They weren’t big enough to fly yet but, possibly, big enough to eat bird food. We found the packet with, what we thought, had the smallest ‘bits’ in it and handed it over on our return. There was no update for the rest of the day. I can’t think of a witty line to link this bird story to the tweeting poster but somebody might.

I couldn’t make the 5:08pm train as we were in the middle of some work so I was on a later one than planned. A change a Vauxhall and the tube up to Highbury and Islington where I walked out of the staton and saw PY and some colleagues perusing the flowers at the station flower stall.  We were heading off for a pleasant evening hosted by the PY’s boss: it was a nice evening in their newly refurbished garden courtyard which is lovely.

We left around 9:30pm after some lovely white wine and canapés.

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