
By oryk


I spent the morning being sick, drinking tea, and setting up/playing my old Sega Genesis. This shot is not, of course, of that Sega, but instead of my Super Nintendo controller. I still don't have it running, but it was years before I could cross that company/philosophical line and buy a Sega. I just couldn't blip it before the SNES. The Super and the Genesis are the newest consoles I own (released in 1990 and 1989 respectively).

Tomorrow my parents and I drive 500 miles south for my cousin's graduation (and get to see rachelsmom again). There is no internet access at my grandma's house, so I will likely have to back-blip the weekend. See y'all next week.

Some of the farmers' market antics I witnessed today:

a guy throwing a lit cigarette into the public trash can (with somewhat disappointing results: lots of smoke, no discernible fire);
a car parked in the middle of the market and all of us setting up anyway;
trucks backing up with no regard to pedestrians (or anything else back there, for that matter);
a very loud zydeco band performing the worst Who cover I've ever heard (and that includes talent shows);
a woman with a hat made out of plastic bags (ironically, we ran out of plastic bags);
children on leashes (not uncommon, but notable);
a hippie with an electric guitar trying to crash the zydeco band's set

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